Six Basic Time Signatures

Time signatures are the first step to understanding how rhythm works. In a nutshell, the beats and pulses underlying any piece of music can be grouped in various ways, and in this video, you’ll get acquainted with the most basic ways of grouping them: -Simple Quadruple Meter (4:4) -Simple Triple Meter (3:4) -Simple Duple Meter (2:4) -Compound Duple Meter (6:8) -Compound Triple Meter (9:8) -Compound Quadruple Meter (12:8) ********************************************************* And here are some examples of musical pieces and songs written in different meters. #### #### #### #### SIMPLE QUADRUPLE METER (4:4) -“Satisfaction“ by the Rolling Stones -“Seven Nation Army“ by The White Stripes -“Beat It“ by Michael Jackson (song starts on the 0:21 mark) #### #### #### #### SIMPLE TRIPLE METER (3:4) -“Norwegian Wood“ by The Beatles -“Piano Man“ by Billy Joel
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