DIY Jetsurf Build | featuring Christian Green, a creator of his own DIY electric surfboard

Have you ever dreamed of creating your own jetboard or efoil? Today we meet Christian Green, a creator of his own DIY jetboard who will share his insights on how you can build your own surfboard board from scratch! Christian shows how he created both electric and petrol surfboards. 00:00 Meet Christian Green from diy jetsurf build video 00:51 Why did you create your own DIY jetboard? 02:51 Efoils, Electric surfboards, Efoils? Process? 08:20 What budgets do we need for DIY electric surfboard? 13:50 Battery and overheating issues? 20:50 Jetpumps and power needed? 22:50 Maytech remote? 25:14 Petrol motorised surfboard 27:30 How you made exhaust? 29:15 Struggle with mass production 31:30 Tips for DIY guys 33:00 Your plans? efoil? Sources Christian DIY surfboard channel diy jetsurf build ======================
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