Hideous Mangleus Live ’89

Horror Grinders Hideous Mangleus captured on Dec. 8th, ’89 for ““, “Clothes hanger Abortion“, “Eldraphobic“ and “Malignant Ignorance“. Video by Mike Doty. This is the earliest known video footage of Hideous Mangleus, and was only recently rediscovered by our Brother Jay Sinko. One interesting aspect of this footage among many is it is a rare chance to hear Hideous at their earliest point where Sam Biles was still “singing“ in a more Septic Death “vulture“ style vocal, which soon after changed to the much more familiar growl style vocal. This is also the first and only chance for most fans to hear the song “.“ which did not appear on the ’90 demo or any other release. Unfortunately this is not the best version of the song, but here it is for what it is worth. Also check out Tom’A Jenkins sick jump during this . Another r
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