4ms Peg, QCD/Expander, RCD², VCA Matrix
Analogue Systems RS 100², RS110²², RS360², RS 500e²
Arp Odyssey white noise
Bananalogue Serge VCS
Cyndustries Zeroscillator
Doepfer R2m², A119, A133², A134²², A141, A143 - 1,2,9, A149, A151², A152, A156², A160 /161, A162, A175²²,A185-2’’³,A138abc
Flame 4 Vox, Chord Machine, Q Slide²
Talking Synth Module², Tame Machine (persian)
Flight of harmony choices
Grendel Formant Filter
Knas Ekdahl The Moisturizer
Make Noise Brains, Pressure Points²,Maths², MDM²²