Orvillecopter Final Test 05/21/2012

More on . Buy your Orvillecopter T-shirt @ Okimono. Second test, May 21 2012 (Still a test - but it works!) Orvillecopter has his internals renewed! After this test he is ready for his maiden voyage at KunstRai ArtFair Amsterdam. It’s a tribute to cat Orville, who was named after the famous aviator Orville Wright. When the cat was killed by a car, visual artist Bart Jansen transformed him into the Orvillecopter as a tribute to a lost life: Now he is finally flying with the birds. The greatest goal a cat could ever reach! For the cat lovers: love your cat. For the RC Lovers Same engines, (lotus 580) new TURNIGY Plush 30amp Speed Controllers, HK Multi-Rotor Control Board V3.0 and 4s LiPo. More on
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