
#ApartmentCats, #outsidecats, #vagrants, #homelesskitties, #fussiecat, #catnip, #drughouse, #kittycrack, #kitties, #cats, #notmycats, #nocatlady, My uploads are comprised of video I’ve shot, in Austin; Rosedale Neighborhood, Hyde Park, on Shoal Creek, and these cats, Frank, Tex, and Buster. Today was fussiecat food-delivery day for the kitties! First cat is Frank (not Buster), the tabby with golden eyes, next is Buster, our green-eyed beauty, and finally, Tex, the tuxedo cat. Frank then appears, again. They love the fussiecat foods, and today’s order came in with a catnip toy. I’ve never seen the old guys, Frank and Tex, play like this. I’ll need to get them some actual catnip, and they will think of me as their dealer. Buster only cares about eating. He has his own toys and is hard to impress. It is wild in Austin; really wild, I tell you! We’re making it a bit less so for these three. Music is by Jeremy Korpas; “Superfuzz Grind“, bec
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