5th • Junior • Jazz
Choreographed by Robert Duran
Dancers: Kayla Seitel, Kendal Clemens, Kendall Le, Ashley Eastham, Lexi Bodendorf, Brooklyn Coronado, Aubrie Stoehr, Caylie Almada, Aliyah Garnett, Mackenzie Groty, Melody Kidder, Riley Bendel, Sarah Di Gioia, Gracie Jamneshan, Molly Ryann, Sloane Saludares, Alauna Walls-Harris, Kaylyn Houchens
ATTENTION: Any dancer, parent, choreographer, or studio director interested in having their dance featured on DancingWithYT e-mail a link to download the video (not a YouTube link) to dancingwithyt@. As well as, the following information in the e-mail:
... choreographer, age division, placing, and studio name. Photos of the dance would be useful too! Thank you and keep dancing!!
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