위클리 수진이 커버댄스로 보여주는 단짠단짠 온도차ㅣOH MY GIRLㅣYOOAㅣSTEP BY STEPㅣAbracadabra~

위클리 수진이 커버댄스로 보여주는 단짠단짠 온도차ㅣOH MY GIRLㅣYOOAㅣSTEP BY STEPㅣAbracadabraㅣSweet & Salty Dance VS #Weeekly#LEESOOJIN#OHMYGIRL#YOOA#Sweet_Salty_Dance_VS#New1theKOriginal#1theK#원더케이#원더케이오리지널 Idol Sweet & Salty Dance Cover with Weeekly’s SOO JIN! Look over here…here’s a captain puppy, the performance genius in different looks. 🎸 Look over here…here’s a captain puppy, the dance genius.🐶 Please vote for the cover song you want to watch in full between Oh My Girl’s “STEP BY STEP” and YooA’s “Abracadabra“.🗳 [Sweet] STEP BY STEP vs [Salty] Abracadabra Vote here👉 *The full version of the m...ost voted cover song will be released on the offici
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