Anton Kholomiov - Bicycle

When my children were little, they loved it when I read them bedtime stories. And one day, when they got bored with the usual tales, I had to come up with a story on the spot. It’s a very simple tale about a boy who, out of boredom by a pond, started teasing the frogs. But in the end, he turned into a frog himself, and other boys put him in a jar where he stayed until the evening and realized that all animals feel the same way as he did. A few years later, my friend, a talented composer Anton Kholomiov, came to visit us, and somehow I remembered that story and shared it with him. He immediately sat down at the piano and created the melody you’re hearing now. This composition was featured on his album a couple of years ago. Recently, I decided to create an illustration for this piece. Let’s call it the cycle of inspiration. Anton’s Spotify
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