Even Then By Micah Tyler (with lyrics)

Psalm 139:7-10 (NKJV) Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in [a]hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me. Lyrics: [Verse 1] On the nights when the dark last a little bit longer When the wind and the storm is a little bit stronger When the fear in my heart dips a little bit deeper When my faith to stand gets a little bit weaker [Pre-Chorus] Where could I run to? Where could I go? [Chorus] Even when it feels like my world is shaken Even when I’ve had all that I can take I know You never let me go And even when the waters won’t stop rising Even when I’m caught in the dead of a night I know No matter how it ends You’re with me even then [Verse 2] When the days up ahead look a little bit brighter But the grip of the past holds a little bit tighter I’m reminded Your grace never asks for perfection Oh I’m restored ’cause I’m Yours and I stand forgiven [Chorus] Even when it feels like my world is shaken Even when I’ve had all that I can take I know You never let me go And even when the waters won’t stop rising Even when I’m caught in the dead of a night I know No matter how it ends You’re with me even then [Bridge] And even in the middle of a struggle And even when it’s hard to remember You alone are my defense when I’m standing on Your promises and I know That even in the thick of the battle And even through the valley of the shadows You alone are my defense when I’m standing on Your promises [Pre-Chorus] Where could I run to? Where could I go? [Chorus] Even when it feels like my world is shaken Even when I’ve had all that I can take I know You never let me go And even when the waters won’t stop rising Even when I’m caught in the dead of a night I know No matter how it ends You’re with me even then... [Outro] You’re with me, yeah No matter how it ends You’re with me even then
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