Timber - Coldcut and Hexstatic HQ

I created Timber in 1997/98 working with Coldcut and footage mainly from Greenpeace and various sources. It took me many months to make using a Power MAC 8100 with Videovision edit board. I bought the computer for £2000 with a loan from the Princes Trust. I used Adobe Premier like a music sequencer using markers to creating 16th note timings. I took the audio loops into Coldcuts Clink Street studio where we pieced it back together to make the final track with the help of the late Paul Brooke who worked with Coldcut as an engineer/programmer. I then edited the video back to the final mix. Matt Black from Coldcut helped and encouraged me to make it as good as possible and was a fruitful collaboration.. Timber gained a notable no.6 in the indie charts. The reason for its non inclusion into the main charts was because the cd single had a video on it too... a CD . I won an award in Cannes France. MCM Videomusiqe Awards Best Editing 1998. Im very proud of this AV piece as I was the main drive in the music and the video. After its release an article in the NME claimed. “Timber has done more for Greenpeace than Glastonbury“ :) Update:Timber was exhibited at the Design Museum in 2020.
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