â—€ BATAVIA Paint Sprayer â–¶
BATAVIA paint sprayer offers the ultimate DIY experience, which is equipped with 700 watts of powerful spraying experience, making it faster and more even. It’s great for applying a great finish on small to large projects like home interiors and exteriors, furniture, fences, cabinets, doors, walls, ceilings, decks, dressers, and more.
The paint sprayer with max viscosity of up to 150DIN supports spraying a wide variety of paints and stains such as chalk-type paint, latex paints, lacquers, milk paint, enamels, primers, clear sealer, polyurethane, stain, varnish and so on. It also comes with a viscosity cup to easily measure paint thickness.
The split design supports a wide range of movement, with a maximum linear movement distance of 13FT and a working range of 530FT². The