Rich Evans on console exclusive fans

Rich has spoken. Update: Wow 100k views. This clip is from Previously Recorded Quantum Break: In my personal opinion, the only exception to this is first party games such as the ones created by Nintendo’s R&D teams. Making second-third party games exclusive to one console hurts preservation efforts and forces players to segregate into different groups rather than play together, which is what gaming should be all about. Fuck Microsoft for paywalling the 360’s online multiplayer and showing their competitors people will pay to use their own internet. And never forget that with the XB1 they tried and failed to make pre-owned games impossible to use and only backpedaled when they got hit with enough backlash. Fuck Sony for purposely undersupplying retailers hardware to make their consoles seem highly sort-after, when really they’re large paperweights with no worthwhile exclusives outside of remakes of older games. Also fuc
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