“Kalys” comics: Stories of “bride kidnapping” in Kyrgyzstan

This comic book tells real stories of three teenage girls who were kidnapped for forced marriage. The video is aimed to support girls and their parents and raise awareness on preventing kidnapping for forced marriage, a practice known as “ala kachuu”. Stories cover local traditions, police responsiveness and preparedness to minimize the negative consequences for girls and their families. Video was developed by implementing partner HelpAge International, in the framework of the Across Generations and Gender Borders – Communities Combating Gender-Based Violence in Kyrgyzstan project. This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by UN Women in Kyrgyzstan in partnership with HelpAge International and Agents of Change. “Калыс“ комикси: Кыргызстандагы кыз ала качуу окуялары Бул комиксте мажбурлап никеге туруу үчүн уурдалган үч өспүрүм кыздын чыныгы окуялары баяндалат, бирок ар бир окуянын өз аракети жана натыйжасы бар. Бул видео кыздарды
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