Alarm 10 or A Troubleshooting for FANUC CNC Power Supply
Power Supply Alarm 10 or A
Spindle Amplifier Alarm b3
CNC Alarm SP9113
Applies to Alpha i Power Supply
Alarm 10 or A on the Alpha i power supply indicates a failure of the external cooling fan mounted on the heatsink.
When the power supply faults out for a bad external fan, the system does its best to get your attention. The power supply doesn’t have direct communication with the CNC like the spindle and servo amplifiers do but the power supply (or PSM - power supply module) does talk to those units. So when the PSM has a bad fan, it tells the spindle and servo amps and they all let the CNC know. The fan failure on the PSM is reported in two stages. When it first detects a fan problem, the PSM goes into a warning state, and if the fan issue hasn’t self-corrected within one minute, it goes into an alarm state.
While the PSM is in a fan warning state, the spindle and servo amps will report that they are also. Alarm DS 611 is generated by the CNC when it detects that a servo amp is in the warning state