300 years later I decide to upload it, even my outro animation has changed since I’ve finished this AMV lol. I started when I was watching the s2 & 3 of AoT, then a lot of things happenned, and I planned to upload it just before the s4 but I was tired to wait, so I added some scene from the last trailer that was released a few weeks ago and decided to upload it anyways. i hope you will enjoy the vid, when I heard this song (called ““Within These Walls“ ) I instantly associated it to AoT
PS : If you are the one (and only one ) who has already seen this AMV, I’m really sorry but you have to wait until next week to see a new AMV from me (Summer comeback, I’m finally free)
Novax si tu passes ici 👀 j’ai pris la minia que ta choisis si tu te rappel
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• Download : #cyDQ-lRhdG1NBEkMANWWtCB1QD53qebbmgsrrHMkChA
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• Discord : SylverZ #7323
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Shiron tqt je tenverrai un autre clip en avance zebimaru
5 months ago 00:02:52 1
Fallen Princess got wrecked in prison for being Răcǐst | Wrecked Princess -「AMV」- Cross Ange
7 months ago 00:39:30 1
ПОБЕГ В ДРУГОЙ ЛАГЕРЬ || “Мы здесь навсегда“ #3 || Прохождение модификаций Бесконечное лето