[足本版]港鐵45年時光旅程:張敬軒與你重拾經典電影回憶 | MTR’s 45-Year Journey: Reliving Cinematic Nostalgia with Hins Cheung
每日喺港鐵,人與人之間嘅連繫不斷上映。列車唔單止乘載著乘客,仲開展緊每個人嘅旅程,你我嘅日常故事一點一點咁連繫住埋一齊。 今次港鐵45周年品牌宣傳片請咗張敬軒,帶大家踏上港鐵嘅時光之旅。軒仔會為我哋重新演繹《幾分鐘的約會》呢首經典名曲,帶你重溫一幕幕經典電影場景,喚醒大家嘅共同回憶。呢個宣傳片見證咗港鐵45年嚟一直同市民連繫相伴,一起成長嘅故事 。
#MTR45 #MTR45Years #港鐵 #港鐵45周年 #連繫相伴 #港鐵45周年品牌宣傳影片 #張敬軒 #緣份 #三人世界 #下一站天后 #幻愛 #幾分鐘的約會
Hins Cheung takes us on MTR’s nostalgic journey…
Connections between people happen every day on MTR, as the trains carry us on our journey, weaving together the stories of us that make this city so vibrant. MTR’s brand new 45th Anniversary Thematic Campaign draws on the city’s rich cinematic heritage. The renowned singer, Hins Cheung, covers a classic song and takes us on a journey to revisit classic movie footage that showcases beloved local celebrities, evoking our shared memories across these 45 years. These different movie scenes and character interactions showcase the daily stories of you and me, affirming how MTR fosters connections among individuals and, thereby, contributes to the growth of Hong Kong and all its people.
#MTR45 #WeConnectLivesForEveryJourney #MTR45Years #TogetherInMTR #HinsCheung #HKMovie
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7 months ago 00:02:05 1
[足本版]港鐵45年時光旅程:張敬軒與你重拾經典電影回憶 | MTR’s 45-Year Journey: Reliving Cinematic Nostalgia with Hins Cheung