ESP32 Cluster - Proof of Concept

A wireless cluster of ESP32 boards, cooperating on a computationally intensive task (64-bit precision Mandelbrot fractal zoomer - poorly captured by my smartphone). When a minimum number of ’workers’ (TTGO T-Display boards in this video) have joined the cluster, the ’manager’ (M5Stack Fire) starts sending them tasks and merges the returned results on its display. Additional workers can join the cluster on the fly (making it faster) and joined workers can leave, as long as the minimum number of workers is met. Experiments with more workers show that, for this particular task, the optimal number is 5, producing ~6 zoomlevels per second. Performance can probably be further improved by using both cores on the manager (workers already use both cores), as well as using additional display buffers in PSRAM. Used libraries: --------------------------------------------------------------
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