*Universal Prayer For Peace Of World*
Sarveshaam Svastir Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Purnnam Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Manggalam Bhavatu
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu
Maa Kashcid Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
Auspiciousness (swasti) be unto all; peace (shanti) be unto all;
fullness (poornam) be unto all; prosperity (mangalam) be unto all.
May all be happy! (sukhinah)
May all be free from disabilities! (niraamayaah)
May all look (pashyantu)to the good of others!
May none suffer from sorrow! (duhkha)
STRESS IS THE wear and tear that our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually
changing environment. It has physical and emotional effects on us and create positive or
negative feelings.
As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action. It can result in a new
awareness and an exciting new perspective. Positive stress actually exists; its called
eustress. It results from exhilarating experiences.
Eustress is the stress of winning and achieving.
Negative stress is distress. It is the stress of losing, falling, overworking and not
coping. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger and
depression which, in turn, can lead to health problems. We all experience distress from
time to time.
#SanthiMantra #SarveshaamSvastirBhavatu
1 view
6 months ago 00:03:52 1
Om Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (Slow Version)
7 months ago 00:04:56 1
Tina Turner - Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (Peace Mantra)