INTENT | Film revealing mysteries more than The Matrix

The Russian original of “Intent” with English subtitles: ​ Support Donfilm via PayPal: info@ ≡ FILM INFO ≡ Intent: The Higher Tier (First Chapter). A film by Dmitriy Zodchiy. Duration: 116 min. Production: Donfilm (2019). Genre: tragedy, grotesque, trikster. Slogan: “In reality everything is not as it is“. The film “Intent” was created during 2016-2019 in the territory of DPR, where military conflict is taking place. “Intent“ was produced at the author’s personal expense and is distributed free of charge. The “Donfilm“ studio has no financial support from the government agencies or private sponsors. Our work is supported by donations of the audience. Please support us by donating any amount directly to the author of the film via PayPal: info@ Thank you! ≡ A VIEWER’S REVIEW ≡ Intent - film revealing the mysteries, more than The Matrix. Different f
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