His name: 祈煜(Qi Yu)
English name: Rafayel
He is a mermaid boy, fall in love with a Princess(you in game) on land, but the Princess forgot about him.
He succeeded to become the Sea God, but the price of becoming God was that he needed to go to land to retrieve the heart he had lost.
in this clip, he said: “You said you have never seen the sea, so why do you want to know so much about the sea?“
(His eyes are sad before he said this, because he knew that the girl in front of him had forgotten the love story between them.)
He wants her to remember him, but it means that the Princess will be i
...n danger again, he doesn’t want to become a Sea God on this way.
His identity on land is a painter.
More Game CG clips in game plot cards.
Romance game: Love and Deepspace
Chinese game name: #恋与深空
Game Studio: China Paper Games
(same studio of #ShiningNikki)
Other characters CG trailer of this game
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