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LX20, Email: info@; Whatsapp: 8618998061368. LX20 set is latest designed by CNSUNNYLIGHT AUTO LIHGTING company in 2022 year. The appearence is similar as the porsche lighting style. It includes dual color lighting, low beam with yellow lighting, high beam with white lighting. The lighting vision is much wider than other normal lighting. This whole set inclues all of installation accessories, such as whole harness control wires, mulfuction switch with strobeflash function, lighting color swift and so on. The installation is smooth. LX20 posrsche-style LED fog driving lights as you watch in the video. Subscribe To Us, Easily Install Your led fog driving lights on your motorcycle. #CNSUNNYLIGHT#ledheadlights#minidrivinglights#Headlight #Install #Replaceme#Update#drivinglights#motorcyclelights#motorcyclespotlights#strongdrivinglights#LA30#auxiliarylights#dualcolor#bicolor#biled#ledprojectorlens Why Choose LX20 LED f
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