ABO blood groups and Rh phactor problem and solution 3

Rhesus factor Rh factor an antigen occurring on the red blood cells of many humans (around 85 percent) and some other primates. It is particularly important as a cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn and of incompatibility in blood transfusions. #antigen #redBloodCells #hemolyticDisease #bloodTransfusions #genetics #ABOBloodType #BloodGroup #AlleleFrequency #GenotypeFrequency #ABOBloodTypes #ABOBloodGroups #RhBloodGroups #blood #classification #antibodies #transfusion #incompatibility #rhesus #bloodGroupsAndBloodTypes #bloodGroupsExplained #bloodGroupsAndTransfusions #bloodGroupsVideo #aboBloodTypesExplained #aboBloodGroupSystem #aboBloodTyping #aboBloodGroup #bloodTypesAndRhFactor
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