Ship Launching (1959)

Lowestoft, Suffolk. M/S of the two men looking at some drawings (plans). One of them rolls-up a paper and a boat appears. It seems that the boat is nearly finished. Several shots of ship in a shipyard. C/U shot of a man welding letters. Several shots of people working - getting ready for a launching, says the voiceover. A man paints the boat’s name ELK. The boat’s official name is “267 S“ but for the men who made it is much more then just a serial number. Several shots of men resting after hard work. L/S of men sitting on the grass, each with a cup in his hand. M/S of men drinking their tea. L/S of the stern from the launching platform. C/U shot of a company’s flag. There are two more flags, Union Jack and British Railways flag (the boat is made for them). M/S of a man carrying a bottle of champagne wrapped up in red white and blue striped paper. He and another man attach the bottle to a ’catapult device’. C/U shot of a sign reading the boat’s name “267 S“ and some other characteristics. M/S of posh
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