1987 0516 If the growth is slow – Rely on vibrations

Excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Original talk: Excerpt highlighted the app: “Every Day with Shri Mataji” for Android ___________________________ But we can say one thing, that, at least from my experience, I feel that in the beginning, whatever starts in a small way, in a struggling way, really is embedding itself nicely into the Mother Earth. And is a very good sign, because that’s the way, it always works out better. Whatever is frivolous, or whatever is cheapish, or which spreads out without much difficulties is of no use. It’s like a grass – anybody can take it away. So the embedment and all that, has to go inside. As you are shaking it nicely to go inside. And that’s what it is, where you should be very happy, that it is working out that way. Somebody has come? Let him come in. Come along now! Yes. So the beginning of Sahaj Yoga may look to be little shaky, may look to be little feeble but it is not: it is ge
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