На собеседовании в школе для одарённых детей Какая сила толкает велосипед Шарик описывает окружность ЦТ Решение физика ЗФТШ МФТИ
На собеседовании в школе для особо одарённых детей. Решение заданий физика онлайн ЗФТШ МФТИ Шарик описывает окружность. Turning to the effects of taxes and spending on the components of GDP, one of the results has a distinctly non-standard flavor: Both increases in taxes and increases in government spending have a strong negative effect on investment spending. Olivier Blanchard Department of Economics how come an increase in Government spending increases the interest rate? Answer. Doesn’t there have to be a relation between Government Spending and Taxation? If the Government increases its expenditure, it has to be funded either by an increase in taxes or an increase in debt. Shouldn’t that be addressed by this model somewhere? Answer. When real interest rates are r1 this is our output. That is a point on our IS curve. We can draw the entire IS curve which might look something like that, that is our entire IS curve. So your change in government spending, change in G, it would shift this curve up. Let me draw that a little bit neater. It would shift this curve up and you would get to a new level of income or equilibrium level of real GDP. Exercises of Linear Equations - Neurochispas. Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS): Definition and Calculation
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