The 7 Stages Of Blank | Salomon TV

Sign up to the premiere by clicking “Set Reminder“ chat live in the comments with Alexi Godbout & Stan Rey on Tuesday before 9pm CET. This season, Blank Collective Films were on a search for an explanation to their insanity. Anticipation. Inspiration. Creativity. Perseverance. Experience. Exploration. And Satisfaction. These 7 Stages are designed to postulate a progression of the emotional stages during a ski season. Simply, the Blank Collective takes you on a journey through the 7 Stages of Blank, a lighthearted look into the bond that develops around the sport of skiing. Athletes: Stan Rey Alexi Godbout Josh Daiek Mike Douglas Sam Kuch Tony Lamiche Mark Abma Vinnie Gagnier Evan McEachran Barclay Desjardins Jordy Kidner Nico Vugnier Jules Mandin Andrea Byrne Phil Langevin Whistler Freeride Club Locations: WHISTLER BLACKCOMB, JOURNEYMAN LODGE / CALLAGHAN COUNTRY, MOUNT BAKER SKI AREA, LAKE TAHOE CALI, WHISTLER BC,
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