Maiko or geisha - Making up her face in Kyoto 1999

This is my third attempt with this film. A very short rough draft was put up two years ago and was very popular. I re-did it in parts, but the comments by the film crew irritated some and I have taken these off. Here is the full film with Koto music behind. The film was shot by Robyn Probyn and Windfall Films as part of the Millenium series ’The Day the World Took Off’ (also on Youtube) for Channel 4. For the background, please see and Alan Macfarlane, Japan Through the Looking Glass (2007). PLEASE NOTE: This film is uploaded as a low-quality MOV file. A version, cut into four to fit onto Youtube, in MP4 (higher quality) is also available on Youtube. All revenues to World Oral Literature Project
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