positions - creating your own chess positions, loading databases.
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- Russian version
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The project was created both for professionals who want to quickly improve their level of skill, and for chess amateurs who aim to learn how to play chess well.
Project goal: introduction of new and high technologies in the study of chess.
Connect any number of your students to your project.
Create any number of assignments with your positions and send specific assignments to your students, depending on their level of training and qualifications.
Use over 100,000 items uploaded by us to your account.
Get VIP access to the VIP base of trainers with a free purpose of exchanging bases and positions.
Add a video with the theoretical part of your workout.
Add the practical part of your workout so that your student completes a given position with Stockfish or Alpha Zero.
View statistics and get a complete picture of the preparation, success and progress of your students.
Take complete control over how your students learn and how they complete your assignments.
By completing your assignments, the student is improving according to your plan. He can rush your tasks, study critical positions, quickly learn to make standard plans.
The student can also independently solve your problems without you and your pressure using the “Self-study“ simulator.
The Chess Collider is a chess position trainer. On it, the student activates all his knowledge, consolidating them.
Problem solving affects rating growth.
After solving the problems, the student receives awards and medals.
Each student has his own awards in his personal account, which he can always look at and show them to his friends.
A student can play on our website with the super program Stockfish or Alpha-Ziro at any time control ...
Level: From beginner to grandmaster.
Get started now. Complete a simple registration on the site in 1 minute.
Chess Positions - As Zipped Files
When we work on a computer and want to quickly send any information via e-mail, or save it, while saving space, we “archive“ electronic files, that is, significantly “compress“ using special programs.
Subsequently, the files can be quickly “unzipped“, after which they become the same as before. The 300 items in this book are the same “zipped files“. By invoking your chess problem solving skills - your own “special programs“ - you can “extract“ a voluminous amount of information from each position.
We promise one thing: to be a strong chess player you don’t need to know hundreds of pawn endgames - only 12 key positions. Of course, these must be the correct positions - and they are in this book! You don’t have to know to become a master.
thousands of pawn endgames - 50 key positions will be enough.
As an example, I will show you a special position that will become a kind and loyal friend to you. You will see her again at number 133.
This position alone contains a good 50% of the knowledge needed by anyone who wants to play pawn endings well! Correct positions, explained in the best way, can be much more useful than volumes with beating “instructions“.
Nothing can be done - we are all forgetful.
#chess_tasks, #chess_positions, #chess_classes
Давайте вспомним обычные человеческие промахи. Я десятилетиями входил в число лучших гроссмейстеров в мире, но и я забываю кое-какие вещи. Знание основных идей и схем можно сравнить с городским хранилищем воды - нам всегда хочется добавить ее в бассейн, чтобы увеличить свои ресурсы, но в то же время мы понимаем, что вода - так же как и шахматные знания - обладает свойством испаряться. Таков закон природы, и здесь аналогия заканчивается, поскольку вода - это вода, а шахматные знания могут быть поделены согласно своеобразной иерархии ценностей. И я считаю, что нам следует пересмотреть и запомнить наиболее значительные моменты.
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