The real world events after 1945 WW2 are too shocking for your short life

The WW2 and after 1945 events with operation highjump in Antarctica Ice Wall and the moon being the map mirror of earth with oceans and lands, the germans in Antarctica, Antarctic treaty signed afther the 1952 ufos or electric free energy flying vehicles imperial discs flying saucers in Washington, the creation of the state of is ra el in 1948 and all the people that died trying to stop it, the Z.J. international bankers who force us to live in usury and money with interests debt slavery system that was abolished in Germany before who are those who live on the continents beyond the limitations imposed by the Antarctic treaty signed by all countries of this known world and why does nobody care about my mortal common life of suffering and why do you prefer do believe in fabricated Christ or Buddha or David Icke aliens greys reptilians, or the illuminati symbols that are not even illuminati cabal satanic because those words are an invented distraction created by the Z.J. (Juliette Echo Whiskey) after WW
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