(29 Nov 1977) As the Rhodesian Prime Minister, Mr Ian Smith, unveiled his latest plan for a peaceful settlement with black nationalist guerrillas, Rhodesian government forces attacked an alleged guerrilla base camp more than fifty miles inside the Mozambique border. An official Rhodesian communique issued after the raids said that more than one thousand guerrillas had been killed during the co-ordinated operation. The attack, near the Mozambican town of Chimoio, began with a heavy bombing raid which lasted two days. The bombs were followed swiftly by helicopter gunships which racked the camp
... from end to end, firing at anything that moved on the ground. According to those in the camp who survived the air raid, Rhodesian troops then landed by helicopter and began a systemmatic killing of all those they could find still alive amongst the burning ruins and gutted buildings.
Nationalist guerrilla sources in Mozambique said the Rhodesian troops remained in the camp for two days. A large Mozambican army columShow more