Vajrayogini Dakini Mantra - Wisdom Dakini - The Diamond Maiden
Vajrayogini Brass Statue:
Vajrayogini Thangka Poster:
Vajrayogini Brass Statue:
Vajrayogini Mandala Tibetan Mandala Thangka:
Vajrayogini Mandalas Thangka Painting:
Beautiful Vajrayogini Painting:
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Please note: Vajrayogini’s actual practice requires empowerment, initiation and instruction from a qualified teacher.
Vajrayogini’s naked body symbolizes her freedom from ordinary conceptions and appearances. She is bronze in color, symbolizing the fierce arousal of desire, indicating Vajrayogini’s ability to transform passion into the realization of emptiness and compassion. Though reclining, Vajrayogini
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5 months ago 00:03:34 1
Храм Ваджрайогини в долине Катманду. Мощное энергетическое место красной Дакини