为什么中国女兵能给世界女性树立榜样?三军女神节日快乐/Why do Chinese female soldiers set a good example for women in the world?

三月八日是国际妇女节,在中国,这个节日被称做女神节,女人能顶半边天,她们是母亲、妻子、姐妹、女儿,她们为国家、社会、家庭拼搏奋斗,女军人更是把最好的青春奉献给了国防,善良勇敢的女人们必须得到尊重! 飒爽英姿、坚毅勇敢、忠诚无畏、永不言弃、奋发图强,再多的词语也无法诠释中国女军人的品质和精神,巾帼不让须眉,解放军三军女兵们,女神节快乐! March 8th is International Women’s Day. In China, this festival is called Goddess’ Day. Women hold up half the sky. They are mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters. They work hard for the country, society, and family. The best youth is dedicated to national defense, kind and brave women must be respected! No amount of words can explain the quality and spirit of Chinese female soldiers, heroic, resolute and brave, loyal and fearless, never give up, and strive to become stronger. Women Soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army, Happy Goddess’ Day! #女兵 #阅兵 #女神 为什么中国女兵能给世界女性树立榜样?三军女神节日快乐/Why can Chinese female soldiers set an example for women in the world? Happy Women’s Day
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