I think I have slipped too deep into all this, unwittingly further and further down this rabbit hole from which there is no way out. ⠀
I bathe in my own melancholy and warm myself in it, hating it at the same time. ⠀
I feel like Alice wandering through a world so far from reality, not knowing which way to take because I don’t know the destination. ⠀
And so some days I walk through this maze of thoughts, aimlessly-hoping to find the exit. ⠀
From this world of meaningless dreams that hold me. ⠀
In your twilight⠀
Sources: ⠀
A mashup of my own videos
#themaninmyhead #qudaibergendimash #kudaibergendimash #dimash #Димаш ⠀⠀⠀
#迪瑪希 #دیماش#디마쉬 #ディマシュ #ዲማሽ #Ντιμάς #dq⠀
.. Maybe my last video, because it is time to taking a break in reality