Devilgroth - Morena (FullAlbum) Black Metal Ambient, #AtmosphericNorthernMusic

Black Metal Ambient, Atmospheric, Russian 👉CD/T-Shirt/Digital: 👉Vinyl (Kunsthall Produktionen) This music is recommended for fans of bands like Paysage d’Hiver, Darkspace, Lunar Aurora, Drudkh and others. The album is presented for review and promotion. Welcome to the world of Siberian winter! Morena is a female mythological figure related to seasonal ceremonies of death and resurrection of nature. She eternally wanders in snow and, on one side, brings death to the living. However, she is the one who gives the new life. The album of DEVILGROTH from Novosibirsk reflects the innermost esoteric ideas of the musicians. “Morena“ is alchemy embodied in music. It is the energy of eternal cold reincarnated in musical form. The album is awash with the atmosphere of primaeval winter forest and recorded with the use of live instrumen
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