Definitive Stretching to Run Better with Ben in Iten Kenya Part I

*I took down video b/c I thought no one was watching; I was very wrong... I got emails and DMs from people who watch it frequently for their stretching. Sorry about that; hope you keep stretching! This is a complete stretching routine for you to really take care of your body and mind. Do this stretching after running. In Iten, Kenya, Ben shows you how to get the stretching done. — 대학원에서 환경 공학을 공부하다가 어떻게 달리기에 빠졌고, 어떤 사고의 과정을 거쳐 달리려고 케냐에 갔는지, 에세이 같이 책으로 남겼습니다. 저의 첫 책, [마인드풀러닝] 구경가기 http:
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