⚡️1v2 Morphious vs Rogue + Shaman World PvP⚡️#worldofwarcraft #wowclassic #sod #classicwow #gaming
1v2 world pvp druid vs rogue and shaman on World of Warcraft classic. SoD Phase 3 Season of Discovery SoD world of warcraft classic. If you like this video please like and subscribe for more World of Warcraft Classic content. Thank you for watching and have a great day!
More information about Classic Era below.
Classic Era Discord link:
There are lots of other Classic Era Discords, PvP discords, guild discords etc. The link above is a prominent one with lots of general Classic Era info. I would suggest also joining the main discords of the big guilds on your server as well.
Are the battlegrounds Qs popping? Yes, BG pop EVERY DAY during the evens. Friday is the big BG night. We get all the BGs to pop, Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alteric Valley Qs to pop as well. There are specific discords that also have planned Alterac Valley games etc.
Is there world PvP? Yes if you look hard enough you can find world PvP in Winterspring, Sithilus,
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10 months ago 00:01:00 1
⚡️1v2 Morphious vs Rogue + Shaman World PvP⚡️#worldofwarcraft #wowclassic #sod #classicwow #gaming