Phurpa “Yan​-​Drub Ceremony​/​Ritual III ~ Dark Ambient Dzogchen Masters of Bon

Phurpa “Yan​-​Drub Ceremony​/​Ritual III ~ Dark Ambient Dzogchen Masters of Bon 1. Yan-Drub Ritual 55:46 about The Bon Masters Phurpa breaking their Silence and they are offering in the dark genre a NEW Fresh and Vibrant Obscure Opus, serving the Art of Spirituality with their Unique Ritualistic manifestation. Non words can describe this Mind-Trip that they are Sacrifice through their Chants & Visions... Before Buddhism reached Tibet, practices involving shamanic rites derived from various ancestral cults became known as Bon. Phurpa, led by contemporary artist Alexei Tegin, is a Moscow based group in this tradition. This Tibetan monastic choir uses a specific kind of overtone chanting which is based on the principle of the singer’s transmogrification during the “chanting meditation“ ... for the benefit of numberless beings
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