Angelina Jolie gets emotional talking to rape victims of Bosnian war

Subscribe to ITN News: Angelina Jolie was brought to tears while talking to the rape victims of the Bosnian war, during her visit to Srebrenica. The Hollywood star’s visit to the Bosnian town was to promote a campaign to end sexual violence against women in war. Angelina was joined by Foreign Secretary William Hague who will co-host a global conference with the actress in London in June, on preventing rape being used as a war tactic. The pair also laid flowers at a cemetery for Bosnian Muslim victims of the Srebrenica massacre, Europe’s worst massacre since World War Two. More than 100,000 people were killed in the war and it is believed that around 20,000 women were raped. Report by Claire Lomas. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Google : More stories from ITN: Emotional moment deaf woman hears for first time: Tornado rips through homes in Cal
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