ARTIFACTS ASSEMBLY Palau de les Arts Reina Sofa & Institut Valenci d’Art Modern (IVAM)
OperaVision is committed to giving a global stage to the next generation of talent and to promoting operatic creation in all its forms. After an evening of Operetta and Zaruzela and a new production of Viardot’s comic opera Cendrillon, the prestigious young artists’ programme of Palau de les Arts Valencia offer again a unique performance packed with musical discoveries.
Artifacts Assembly unfolds through a dialogue between eleven musical pieces performed by the emerging artists of the Centre de Perfeccionament del Palau de les Arts and a selection of works from the exhibitions and the collection of the Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM). The assembly of modern/contemporary art and musical compositions - by Julio González, Leonard Bernstein or Matilde Salvador among many others - becomes a reflection on montage, whether theatrical, exhibition-based or cinematic. Welcome to a new space to imagine where the arts converge.
Full performance streamed on OperaVision from 2 February 2024 at 19:00 CET to 2 August 2024 at 12:00 CET:
Rosa Dávila
Iria Goti
Laura Orueta
Mariana Sofía
Maximiliano Spósito
Carlos Reynoso
Alejandro Sánchez
Marcelo Solís
Ignacio Aparisi
José Alberto Sancho
Pau Berga
Exhibition popular, curated by Pedro G. Romero
Ignacio Pinazo, Mascletà
Juana Francés, Composición en azul (JF 18) ; Composición tridimensional en plástico azul y amarillo (JF 62)
Cindy Sherman, Untitled No. 91
Ana Boghighian, From the Palace to the Ditch
Exhibition Ser artista: Julio González. Colección del IVAM, curated by Juan José Lahuerta
Julio González, Femme au miroir; Les amoureux II ; Daphné ; Le compotier ; Nu debout tête penchée ; Personnage allongé II ; Portrait de Marie-Thérèse II ; Tête dite ‘Le tunnel’ ; Le rêve/Le baiser La grande trompette
Aleksandr Rodchenko: URSS en construcción nº12; Броненосец «Потёмкин» (Battleship Potemkin)
Gustav Klucis: Анти империалистическая выставка (Anti-Imperialist Exhibition) ; На штурм 3-го года пятилетки (In the Storm of the Third Year of the Five Year Plan) ; 1 мая, день международной пролетарской солидарности (First of May - Day of the International Proletarian Solidarity) ; Усилиями миллионов рабочих, вовлечённых в социалистическое соревнование, пятилетку превратим в четырех (Through the Efforts of Millions of Workers Engaged in Socialist Competition, We Will Turn the Five-Year Plan into a Four-Year Plan) ; 1 мая В бой за пятилетку (1 May. To the Struggle for the Five Year Plan) ; Транспорт (Transport) ; СССР- Ударная бригада пролетариата всего мира (The USSR Is the Shock Brigade of the World’s Proletariat (CCCP))
Adolph Gottlieb, Labyrinth #3
Juana Francés, Cometa (JF 182) ; Sin título (JF 174) ; El reclot (JF 148)
Antoni Tàpies, Gran díptic roig i negre
Antonio Saura, Gran crucifixión ; Inanna dans son fauteuil ; El perro de Goya
Equipo Crónica, El patio de las tentaciones ; Tres nubes sobre el imperio ; Mármoles, sedas y metales ; Los impactos ; El día en que aprendí a escribir con tinta ; Heartfield / Lissitzky ; Vallecas Melody ; El Panfleto ; Jugadores de cartas ; Mariana y las moscas, de la serie ‘Composiciones’ ; Subratllar l’imatge ; El constructor ; K.O.
Martha Rosler, Invasion
Berta Caccamo, S/T
Zaj, Hombre, mujer, mano
Miguel Benlloch, Tipotopotropos ; 51 géneros
Exhibition Teresa Lanceta. Tejer como Código abierto, curated by Nuria Enguita and Laura Vallés
Teresa Lanceta, Handira ; La Macarena
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