Giant Soap Bubbles at Night - Unearthly Colors

If you watch in anything less than HD you’re missing out! Some incredible colors are captured in these giant soap bubbles. The reflections and lighting are from two 75W fluorescent light bulbs behind the camera. Notice how the colors reflected off the bubbles change as more and more are created in the same shot. This is best noticed with the first three bubbles made in the very start of the video. The first bubble has the most variety of color because the wand was soaking wet and could provide enough fluid for a thick bubble wall, the next bubble however had a thinner wall and reflected mostly green. The last bubble in the series was almost entirely limited to blue and a few hints of red. This is caused by a prism effect that changes as the bubbles become thinner and thinner. An interesting bit of bubble science. Here is a link to my tutorial for creating these giant bubbles: Music:Meditation Impromptu 02 Kevin MacLeod (
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