【Cherry blossoms】Tulips and Double-flowered cherry trees follow suit in Shizuoka. チューリップと八重桜の共演 #4K

Date taken: April 2, 2022 Video resolution: 4K UHD Hamamatsu Flower Park はままつフラワーパーク Flowers in Video below. 0:00 Unit-1 Tulips and Double-flowered cherry trees1 ネモフィラ Nemophila Baby blue eyes 御所御車返し GosyoMikurumaGaeshi(cherry tree) 八重紅大島 YaeBeniOshima(cherry tree) 衣通姫 SotoOriHime(cherry tree) 紅南殿 BeniNaden(cherry tree) 里原 Satohara(cherry tree) 類嵐(タグイアラシ) TaguiArashi(cherry tree) ミツバツツジ Rhododendron dilatatum (Mitsuba Tsutsuji) 8:17 Unit-2 Tulips and Double-flowered cherry trees2 BeniShidare(cherry tree) 紅枝垂
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