NIXON TAPES: Cheer Up a Depressed Henry Kissinger (Nelson Rockefeller)

Nelson Rockefeller December 24, 1971 017-013 White House Telephone President Richard Nixon wishes a Merry Christmas to New York Governor (and future Vice-President) Nelson Rockefeller. Nixon also asks Rockefeller to give Henry Kissinger a call. Kissinger used to work for Rockefeller, and Nixon believes that Rockefeller’s support would cheer Kissinger up. Kissinger was particularly worried about the India-Pakistan conflict that was then on going. In this conversation from two days later, you can hear Kissinger discuss the call he received from Rockefeller: (Photo: Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller, 1960.) (NARA censors beeped out part of this conversation as “personal returnable.“ It is represented here by a 5 second beep.)
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