[Trailer] 冷面狙擊手 (Tiger Cage III)
Tiger Cage III 冷面狙擊手 (1991)
導演: 袁和平
領銜主演: 張敏, 張國樑, 王敏德
主演: 黃錦江, 張午郎
客串主演: 胡楓, 劉洵
James 與 John 着手調查一宗商業案件, 對象是富商李紹邦. James 的女友 Suki, 正為李公司工作. John 偶然間偷聽到李與手下談及股票內幕消息, John 決定將全部儲蓄買下股票. 但李的會計師突然被殺; James 亦被伏擊, 雖逃脫但己被燒得不似人形. 多人遭遇身亡, 案件在重大壓力下唯有終結. John 所買的股票大跌, 變得一無所有. 六個月後, James 回復體力, 但容貌已毀; Suki 此時位於高位, 李變得阻手阻脚. John 找 Suki 算帳, 發現策劃人正是 Suki, James 此刻亦趕到, 得知全部真相, 展開一場廝殺, Suki, 李雖得到懲罰, 但 John 亦同時犧牲, James 唯有消失於茫茫人海中.
Director: YUEN WO PING
Special Starring: WU FUNG, LAU SHUN
James and John are working in the Commercial Crime Bureau. Jointly they look into a case of which the suspect is an influential rich business man called Lee. James has a girl friend called Suki who is working for Wong, Lee’s accountant. By first sight John has felt that Suki is an insidious opportunist. One night, in a party holding by Lee, John hears by chance the internal tips on a stock that Lee and his staff are talking about. John thus takes out all his saving and buy that stock. In the meantime, since Wong is murdered and James is also assaulted and seriously burnt, the case is closed under great pressure. On the other hand, the price of the stock which John has invested heavily slides. John is thus deeply depressed. Six months later, James has been much recovered under the care of two old men. At his time, Suki has climbed up to be a senior and important person in Wong’s firm. Even Lee becomes a blocking stone in her eyes. Meanwhile, at their great surprise, James and John realized that one behind the scene is Suki. Hence, they decide to give both Lee and Suki a lesson. Confrontation and sacrifice thus become unavoidable......
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