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Hontai Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu
The full name is Hontai Takagi Yoshin Ryu but can be written several ways depending on line. Takagi is the family name of the early members. As in most Ryuha the school was taught well before the organization and naming of the school. However, in Eiroku 13 (1570), a monk named Unryu that was said to specialize in Taijutsu, Bojutsu, and Shurikenjutsu taught the arts and awarded a special scroll called the Sessho Hiden.
The next generation head a Ito Ki I No kami Suketada was a specialist with the Yari, Naginata, and Shuriken and his school style was called Kenko Ryu. As a spearman he was extremely famous for writing another scroll Rinpo Hiden. Takagi Orieumon was taught all there was and later started his own school calling it Takagi Ryu.
Orieumon was a specialist of Kenjutsu and Jujutsu. It is taught that he had a duel with the Yagyu Tajima No Kami and was defeated. More than anything he wanted a rematch to beat Tajima No Kami. He went for consultation and training to a monk on Mount Hiei (Unryu, mentioned above). There one night he had a dream. Holding his spear by his side, standing on a mountain top looking down on a valley filled with the light from the moon shining down. Suddenly many dark clouds appeared covering everything so he couldn’t even see in front of him. Then there was a loud noise which awoke him from his dream. This dream was really profound for Orieumon so he went to the monk Unryu for advise.
After listening to Orieumon’s experience, Unryu told him that he had a Satori (mystical revelation) and that it meant that he had no more to teach. Unryu then presented Orieumon with the last scroll to make him the head of the next generation. Again, Orieumon summond Yagyu Tajima No Kami to a rematch. They sparred with swords but neither could get past the other’s guard. So both simultaneously bowed and said “I yield” making it a draw.
Kanbun 11 (1641), Orieumon’s son, Takagi Umanosuke received all scrolls as the next head of the Ryu. He expanded upon the Ryu including additional details around Jujutsu, Kenjutsu, Sojutsu, Naginatajutsu, and Shurikenjutsu.
This school is still taught in several lines by individuals with a full teaching license (menkyo kaiden). Many lines today still include Kukishin Ryu weapons in their curriculum.
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