Remembering Khandro Tsering Chödrön

Khandro Tsering Chödrön (1929-2011) was the spiritual wife of the great Tibetan Buddhist master Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (1893-1959), and was universally acknowledged as one of the foremost female practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism of recent times. Khandro Tsering Chödrön passed away on the 24th day of the 3rd lunar month (26th May 2011) in Lerab Ling. Sogyal Rinpoche and Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche were both present at the moment of her passing where she showed all the signs of attaining the final accomplishment of a great Dzogchen practitioner. To read more about her: Khandro Tsering Chödrön series at Lotsawa House: Website in Memory of Khandro Tsering Chödrön:
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