Archil Sikharulidze - Georgia, Armenia, Partnership & Politics in S Caucasus | Ep 315 - Mar 13, 2024

Georgia, Armenia, Partnership & Politics in the South Caucasus Conversations on Groong Topics: * Georgian Nationalism and Identity * Georgia, Armenia, post 2018 * Accession to the EU * Strategic Partnership Guest: * Archil Sikharulidze - TW/@achosikha Hosts: * Hovik Manucharyan - TW/@HovikYerevan * Asbed Bedrossian - TW/@qubriq 00:00:00 Intro to show with Archil Sikharulidze 00:02:05 Georgian identity and how does it drive its politics and policies? 00:06:11 Why aren’t the Armenian and Georgian nations better allies & friends? 00:10:06 How did you and Georgians perceive the events in Armenia in 2018? 00:11:14 Pro-western & pro-Russian narratives in Georgia and Armenia 00:14:29 Now those perceptions on the 2018 revolution in Armenia 00:15:12 Nobody studies Armenia in Georgian universities 00:18:43 Does the division in identity also divide Georgians along political lines? 00:22:53 Is Georgia’s relationship with Turkey colored by history? 00:23:52 Do Georgia’s ties with Turkey/Azerbaijan color relations with Armenia? 00:27:32 What are Georgian Turkish relations based on? 00:28:04 Georgia’s reliance on Azerbaijan 00:29:29 Diametrically opposed perceptions of Turkey 00:30:10 What do we mean by “European”? 00:33:48 Georgia’s journey to EU accession 00:38:27 Georgia’s successful diplomacy in navigating Ukraine polarization 00:42:47 Why was Armenian not as successful? 00:44:39 Russia’s different reactions to Armenia/Georgia EU asporations 00:50:12 Does Russia have a red line for Georgia joining NATO? 00:52:56 Armenia Georgia Strategic Partnership - why is so little known? 00:54:37 Why is defense excluded? 00:56:04 Scenarios where Armenia can become pro-western 00:57:38 Would Georgia block Armenia’s arms shipments in the future? 01:02:45 Wrap up and discussion about who owns Khnkali and Khachapouri 01:03:26 About Dr. Archil Sikharulidze Episode 315 | Recorded: March 12, 2024
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