Sukhoi Su-34 MAKS 2015 flight performance. It is the fighter-bomber with 2 pilot crew. Vehicle carries up to 6 tons of weapons but extra wings at the front of the main ones and excellent Su-27 planer shape ensure maneurability and speed of the usual fighter
5 years ago 00:04:29 55
Sukhoi SU-34
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Sukhoi Su 34
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Sukhoi Su-34 dropping BETAB-500ShP bomb
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Sukhoi Su-34
9 years ago 00:04:48 1.7K
Su-34 Assault Fighter Bomber
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Су-34 • Sukhoi Su-34 «Fullback»
6 months ago 11:48:26 1
30 seconds ago, a Russian Sukhoi SU-34 destroyed a major US air base