Best Leg Tattoos 2020 | EPICJONTUAZON

Since the rest of 2020 has been officially canceled. I guess it’s alright to start with the best of 2020 series! I’ve grouped any leg tattoo/hip tattoo/butt tattoo/ or if it is a bigger piece that is attached to your leg onto this video ha. I was very liberal with my criteria for this so don’t hold me to the title. Enjoy the 20 minutes of glory! Catch you in the next one! Music I use: Gear I shoot with: Sony A73: Sony 24-70 f/2.8: Sony 70-200 f/2.8: Atomos Ninja Flame: Autel EVO: DJI Ronin S: Gorilla Pod: Joby Ballhead X: Rode Audio Mic: Backpack:
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