Microprocessor electrofisher called SUM - Electrofishing

Secure. Unsinkable. Modern. Reliable, Electrofisher from Poland. During normal operation, the output voltage of the electrofisher can be freely chosen from fifty volts to one thousand two hundred volts by knob. This film shows: How different types of circuits protect electrofisher from failure. How electrofisher protect user from electric shock. To show that a electrofisher is operating we use two bulbs connected in series. When everything works bulbs are flashing bright light. The first test. Something what could happen during electrofishing. Short circuit between poles. This happens when fisherman tries to reach fish and by an accident touch negative pole with positive pole. In the video, I show how effective electronic protection is, in offered electrofisher. When short circuit appears, electrofisher is automatically switch off. It can be done many times and nothing will happen. Current status of electrofisher is displayed on LCD
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